
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evidence That Nixon Administration-FBI Concealed Proof That Congressman Hale Boggs' Plane Was Found In Order To Cover Up Boggs' Murder

FBI Telex Proves That Hale Boggs' Plane Was Found
But FBI Conceals Telex From American Public

Excerpted From

Let's move forward to 1972

Hale Boggs

"He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Congressman Hale Boggs was the only dissenting member of the Warren Commission who refused to sign the Warren Report until just before it was submitted. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs began making public statements that J.Edgar Hoovers FBI was wire-tapping Congress and blackmailing public officials. Boggs had misgivings at the "lone assassin" finding of the Warren Commission panel of which he had been a part in 1964 and had said, "I had strong doubts about it." He named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. In a speech in 1971, Boggs accused the FBI of tapping his phone and publicly denounced the Bureau's 'gestapo tactics.'

Boggs was reportedly prepared to make public statements that Richard M. Nixon was complicit in the JFK murder. Nixon was there all day, that bloody time in Dallas, although falsely stating he left that morning by plane. [Sherman Skolnick was on a Dallas radio show with a former Director of Pepsico Bottlers, whose counsel in 1963 was Nixon. He said Nixon did not leave that morning and when the murder was announced, Nixon, unlike the others gathered for a business convention, wanted to continue conducting business as usual as if nothing had happened.]

Congressman Boggs plane disappeared on a flight in Alaska from Anchorage to Juneau on Oct 16, 1972, less than 30 days before Nixon was re-elected President in 1972. U.S. Military Intelligence, jointly with other U.S. espionage agencies reportedly located the Congressman's airplane but have concealed that and the story has always stood that the aircraft was never found.

Twenty years later, in 1992, a Freedom of Information Act Request by Roll Call Magazine unearthed an FBI telex indicating that the plane was located and never retrieved. Information obtained by a government verified source described the location of the plane and stated that there were two survivors shortly after the plane disappeared. The information indicated an undisclosed "firm" involved in testing advanced surveillance equipment had located the crash. The informant had a military background, according to the FBI document obtained by Roll Call.

The FBI telex was sent to the Washington, D.C. FBI headquarters where it was presumably passed to the Acting Director, L. Patrick Gray. The previous director, J. Edgar Hoover, had been in a significant conflict with Boggs, who called for his resignation on the floor of the Congress. Boggs was one of the most powerful people in the country at a time when misuse of power was just beginning to be seen, culminating in the resignation of the President of the United States Richard Nixon.

To view the actual FBI telex (heavily censored but readable), see:

FBI Telex 1

FBI Telex 2

FBI Telex 3

The uncovering of this FBI document clearly indicates Boggs' plane was located and there was evidence of survivors. What exactly happened then?

Apparently Boggs airplane had been sabotaged to silence him on statements he was about to make about Tricky Dick. The History Channel devoted an episode of it's "Histories Mysteries" to this incident entitled "Alaska's Bermuda Triangle". NOTE: one month AFTER Nixon was re-elected, 12 Watergate figures perished on a sabotaged plane crash in Chicago, including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt [Dorothy Hunt], wife of the Watergate burglar. She had onboard two million dollars in securities she and her husband reportedly blackmailed out of Nixon for silence on Nixons complicity in the JFK murder. According to Sherman Skolnick:

"The government attempt at cover-up of the Chicago crash as `pilot error' was wrecked when we `liberated' the entire government file, showing sabotage, and sued the fakers on the National Transportation Safety Board. Despite confronting NTSB with these documents at a re-opened public hearing, the NTSB continued the big lie. Rockefeller-owned United Air Lines, covering up the sabotage, arranged to stop in the printing cycle my book, The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage."

Alas, no copies are now available of this book but portions of the manuscript can be read on Mr. Skolnick's website at:

Some of the other interesting points surrounding the Alaska disappearance include the fact that Boggs was taken to the airport for the first leg of the trip by a young democrat named Bill Clinton who later, as President, appointed Congressman Boggs' wife Lindy to the position of US Ambassador to the Vatican after she served eighteen years in the Congress after her husband's disappearance.

The Official FAA Report on the "crash":

Plane Crash Information
DATE: 10/16/1972
TIME: c 09:00
LOCATION: Off the Alaska coast
AIRLINE: Private
AC TYPE: Cessna 310

DETAILS: The plane was on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau when it disappeared as it was approaching the Chugach Mountain range. Louisiana Congressman and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, Alaska Congressman Nick Begich and his aide Russ Brown, and pilot Don Jonz killed. Cause unknown.

I have been in touch with Nick Begich Jr., son of the lost Alaska politician and he is convinced there is more to the story of his father's disappearance than what is "officially" known.

See also: "The Murder of John F. Kennedy, Jr. An Update" by Sherman H. Skolnick at: and "Air Crashes, Black Boxes, and Unsafety Boards -- EgyptAir Flight 990, More of the Same?" by Sherman H. Skolnick at: - Aircrashes

Footnote: Since 1958, Mr. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, "Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts", disclosing instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991, a regular panel member and since 1995, moderator/producer of "Broadsides", a one hour weekly public access Cable TV Show cablecast in Chicago. For a heavy packet of our printed stories, send $5.00[U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [#10 size, 4-1/4 x 9-1/2] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick,chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office: 8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days- (773) 375-5741 (773) 375-5741 (773) 375-5741 (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE no "Just Routine" calls]. Before sending FAX, call us.

With so many troubling issues revealed in past air "mishaps", it's only appropriate to demand a full, public investigation into the Wellstone crash--wherever it may lead."

* Editor's Note: Former muck raker Sherm Skolnick had written a book regarding the plane crashes which were orchestrated by the U.S. Intelligence community, in its furtive murders of many political figures, which the intelligence community prevented Skolnick from publishing.

Moreover, the above links to copies of the FBI's telex regarding Hale Boggs' plane crash (which were on the Earthpulse Press Website), have since been removed.

However, this author located the three FBI telexes elsewhere and included the links to them within the body of the Skolnick above post.

Interestingly enough, the owner of Earthplus Press is Dr. Nick Begich jr. - the son of Nick Begich Sr. The elder Begich - who along with Boggs, Begich's aide, and the pilot, perished in the 1972 downing of the Cessna 310, when in flight to Juneau, Alaska for a campaign tour.

Dr. Nick Begich has long researched the U.S. Federal Government's use of classified technology, especially its electronic warfare programs. As punishment for this, Wikipedia removed Begich's information from its Website, just as Wikipedia does for any person or organization that documents some truth that the U.S. Federal Government does not want the American people reading about.

Since Nick Begich jr. lost his father when he was a child, he has an obvious and understandable interest in government conspiracies, given that his father was likely murdered when the aforesaid Cessna aircraft was intentionally brought down, in efforts to murder Congressman Hale Boggs.

Based on the FBI telex which the Bureau covered up, at least two of the men on the Cessna 310 had been seen moving on the ground, meaning that the FBI knew that these men were alive and did nothing to try to rescue them.

To view the actual FBI telex (heavily censored but readable), see:

FBI Telex 1

FBI Telex 2

FBI Telex 3

We know that the FBI covered up the fact that the Cessna was found, for the express purpose of concealing that foul play was involved in the downing of this aircraft.

What is also of interest here, is that Hale Boggs' daughter, author and news personality Cokie Roberts, claimed that her father did not have any suspicions that the Kennedy Assassination was an inside job. Clearly, Roberts was being less than candid here and for good reason - fear for her own life.

Moreover, Robert's cooperation in this coverup, as well as her own mother's (Congresswoman Lindy Boggs), ensured that Lindy would easily gain the seat that her husband had held prior to his murder. Moreover, Cokie Roberts has become yet another excellent source of disinformation for the controlled media system in the United States.

- James F. Marino

Also See:

  • Nixon Administration Collusion With U.S. Intelligence Community In The Murder & Coverup Of Congressman Hale Boggs